Effective delegation technique
Currently I am working as a technical lead in one of the well-reputed organisations in India. When I was appointed as a Technical Lead, my roles and responsibilities increased drastically.
I was completely tired and felt I was the busiest person in the world. One day I thought about how my CEO manages his day. Furthermore, how the world’s successful business people manage their day. I hope that many of you have the same question.
After doing research on many business professionals, I found that they are performing the delegation so effectively. Here, I would share my research and solutions of effective delegation techniques. I mention it hereinafter as a rule, but many of you can call it a tool or technique, and so on. The most important thing is that these rules should be taken into consideration while you delegate some task to someone.
Rule 1: Prepare a list of task which you want to perform a day
- Your task list must contain all the tasks which you want to perform and has to be done in a day. So it is a daily process
- At the time of making a list, the severity of the task must be provided against each task.
Rule 2: Identify the ASK in each person to whom you delegate to.
- A — Attitude, If a person has an attitude to achieve the goal which you want to achieve through delegation
- S — Skill, A person has enough skill sets to perform the work or task in a given period of time.
- K — Knowledge, A person have enough knowledge to work on the given task.
I understand that it’s very hard to find people who have “ASK”. Fortunately, As a leader we should build competence in the team members rather than wait to find the right people to join our team. One bonus tip for my reader, Skills — It can be developed by practise,and by simulations while Knowledge — It can be acquire by training and session. For attitude — It come within but it also changes by creating an environment. Keep your team motivated and change their attitude by showing your actions and works because actions are more powerful than words. It’s a unique quality of leader and which makes you a better leader than others
Rule 3: Define Roles, Responsibility and sequence of the tasks.
- It is very important that you must define the clear roles and responsibility of a person to whom you delegate. Due to that, a person knows what he has to perform, what are the limitations and what are the rights he has.
- Unclear tasks create more confusion. A person who received the task can not perform effectively as he is always in dilemma.
It would be great if we define all the things in advance, however it cannot be possible at every time. Bonus tips — Always create a open door culture. Every person in your team can directly communicate with you and discuss any topic whether it is personal or professional. It helps a lot because due to this culture, people do not wait for clarity if they don’t, they come and ask you directly. It reduces conflicts too.
Rule 4: Three steps of the delegation framework
- Firstly, you should be the performer and they are your audience.
- Second step, Let’s join them in the ground, Do work together and complete the task
- Finally, They are performers and you are audience.
Rule 5: Rewards and Feedback
- We all thought that the task of finishing the delegation is over but it’s not true. Reward — a best way to motivate your team. It’s an essential key element of your delegation.
- Feedback — Today’s corporate word makes this word so negative. However, I think feedback is an inevitable part of delegation. Bonus tip — your feedback must be specific, detailed and actionable.